Hello everybody, I put together an FAQ on google docs which I will try to update whenever new questions come up.
Please keep in mind while I only put in answers which come from devs, they might still change since were still in development!
If you have a question which should be in this FAQ feel free to comment here or send me a message so I can ask Popo and put it into the FAQ.
If you have a question with an answer from Popo or another dev please also comment here or send me a message so I can add it to the doc.
Edit: Whenever I give your comments a "heart" the question is answered and included in the FAQ file.
If you went on Kickstarter, you would see that there will be rare and uncommon colored variants, however, they cannot be gotten in the wild, you need to breed them(two commons together will sometime produce an uncommon and two uncommons will sometime produce a rare)