In Story of Seasons (Bokujou monogatari) or Rune Factory series, almost all dialogues between player character(pc) is accompanied with cute and pretty hand drawn NPCs' portraits. That being said.. I would be extremely excited this game has the same feature.
I know the game is in development and the kickstarter campaign is not even finished yet, but since the game is coming to PC/Steam. Do you think there will be mods? Like officially supported in Steam Workshop
I don't think we will have the portraits of the people that talk to you but it would be neat if we could!
A modding feature would be interesting for sure but I don't think it will have mod support or mod workshop because the team really hard on this game before it was Re:legend. They had run into a heartbreaking issue making this game before so for them to finally have their dream realized I don't think they would allow their baby to be modded and picked apart and re edited which mods do at least some of them.
Is that even possible? :P
+1 for NPC portraits. It is a dying feature. Especially the big full body portraits. Now we are lucky to get a box with a decent picture. I really feel the portraits help to bond to the character that might otherwise be TOO chibi.
I dunno if we'll have it, since the npcs seem much more animated and usually they're used in games without all of that. But I still really love npc portraits even when they arent strictly 'necessary', like in the Persona series and stuff.
Actually i also wanna suggest this one to devs as well, i think that would be great addition to gameplay experience, not to mention those portraits usually one of first impression that attract people to the game.
I mean, usually i skipped harvest moon series due to npc portrait no longer suit my interest, but somehow Story of Seasons' & Rune Factory npcs' portraits got my interest and ended up bought 'em myself.