So, as I remember, the devs said there were 5 Story Areas. So far we know about the Forest and the Desert. What about the other three? Technically we have also heard about the Coast and the Underwater Biome, but from what I got the Coast was just Vokka Island and the Underwater Biome was a secret area not related to anything really. So those 3 others? What about them?
Well, I have two theories. One is that it is kind of like Mario worlds. So the worlds would either be Forest, Desert, Cave, Snow, Volcano. Or Forest, Desert, Coast, Snow, Volcano. The second one meaning that Vokka Village has completely different Magnus entirely.
Second theory, whilst stupid, is that you are ascending to the dream plane. Forest, Desert, Mountain, Volcano, Sky. the idea is this would explain why the final dungeon changes every time. as it is in the dream world and thus constantly changing. As I said, really stupid, but I thought it was worth a try.
Other ideas I had for areas were Canyon (Problem was the desert seems like a canyon), Jungle (Could also be a variant of the first theory.), and an Oriental Place (But seemed too limited. From what it seems like the areas will be very general.).
But anyways, I hope this thread isn't spammed with "You are too early to speculate" posts, because it is never too early to speculate, and I hope that people have some cool ideas on the areas!
A glowey area would be awesome!! So pretty!!
Cool idea @bluefrenzy! I like the sound of all the worlds being off. I really liked that sand world in the new Mario game, where it was all frozen over and stuff, really felt unique. I think that subareas might be a good way to go as well. That way you could have lots of unique magnus and have them all fit in their environment. I actually just thought of say, a desert+battlefield where there are tons of weapons and armour wedged in the ground everywhere, and there could be spooky magnus at night, metallic magnus at day and normal magnus here and there. Also, @Skysong I agree that glowy stuff is a must. And since magnus can help with miscellaneous tasks, maybe the glowy ones could act like a torch in dark areas?
I'm hoping that whatever area themes they have, that there are some bioluminescent areas and creatures too! I like glowy things ^_^
Maybe expand the idea of hidden areas and you could open up a grotto with glowing plants and special magnus somewhere!
If they're going with the typical elemental type themed areas, I'd love a snow and ice crystal area. Although the idea of an icy area with an active volcano in the middle of it would be interesting. Fire and ice side by side with some interesting creatures on the border between the two.
Thats an awesome idea! Maybe you could have the forest + ruins but you could open up and area in the ruins that leads to an actual village! And another that leads to a secret meadow(with and awesome boss in the middle of course)!!
Actually I'd rather get away from the standards and give each area a peculiar and unique vive. For instance, by mixing a biome with a unique feature not present in the biome you could create something unique. You know, like the typical forest + ruins, but instead of ruins something a bit more unique. Not saying you should go for something like Forest + robotics, but maybe something like Forest + roses, so to my mind it comes a forest where trees are made of brambles and leaves made of red petals. Never "rose forest" were so literal XD.
But in any case I would make those areas a bit secret. I mean, as level designer I would make a hub on each area which can look more or less normal or natural, but after getting some weapons or events, I could open some paths inside these hubs that could lead to places a bit more fantastic that contains unique Magnus and materials.
I like the idea of:
Forest, desert, ocean/coast, mountain, and cave/underground. Though I don't know what order they would be in.
Forest gives you wood type creatures
Desert gives fire
Ocean gives water
Mountain gives air
And Cave gives earth
It encompasses all 5 elements.