I figured I might as well post bugs as I find them while trying the Pre-Alpha out.
Whenever I get a chance to play I will keep adding to this post with any additional bugs I find. I will try and post screenshots with them for examples :)
Bug 1 - typo on the peguin's speech. He says "shore" during his intro speech while you are reviving in the nurse's hut. it should instead be "sure"
Feedback 1 - I feel that the intro camera panning when you first see the town was too long. It's hard to see which building is which. I think it may be better when you first enter that area maybe? or change it so its one longer pan versus smaller ones that go black at the end of every scan through the buildings? the camera work felt a little jumpy from building to building I guess
I believe Papa-Pia said "shore" instead of sure on purpose, he was saying other pun type things during the conversation.