I noticed a few bugs happening in my game :/ I wonder if it is happening with others as well. Sadly most of those I'll state here may cause issues towards the game completion.
> If you throw Rabbitray at a certain spot (this happened at the cranite island), because the ray continues to swim a bit before finally stopping it might be ignoring the barrier set under the programation to not let characters or anything else go besides that point (not what the ray does, unfortunately), so if you throw the ray there, instead of bouncing back or aside, it gets stuck there forever (unless you restart the game) as you can't interact with it due to the distance perhaps.

>Upon leaving an island through the Rabbitray the screen becomes a perpetual loading one and I can do nothing but reset.
>Relocating Magnus in the Barn causes a bug which forces you to use the magnus which was previously in that spot instead of the magnus which was realocated into that very spot. (the kerapuff was on the cranite's spot before and dracogre was previously on the spot where the dracoclaw occupies now).

>Cranite is not loading completely in the barn book.

>Magnus never appear "full" in the barnbook though they show themselves to be full upon interacting.
Though the game is very cool as I just recently bought it I find the issues which impede me from progressing rather off-putting :'D. I hope it gets solved soon, but other than that kudos to the team~ Great job there. My friend is seeing if he can buy the game when most issues are corrected too, so yay for the game if the team does xD